Leading the way to sustainable solutions


Press Release by Steve Bee

In January 2021, VPS - world leaders in marine fuel testing and bunker quantity surveys - celebrates 40 incredible years of sustainable innovation.

Our innovative thinking has led to the development and implementation of improvements in marine fuel testing and bunker quantity surveys across the world. All this is designed to give our customers the practical advice, support and insight they need to run a more profitable, efficient business, coupled with creating positive environmental change. To honour our 40th anniversary, we’re highlighting two key achievements VPS has delivered to the maritime industry over the past few decades  – and in two different, valuable ways.

Helping to cut sulphur emissions by 67%

In 2004, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) brought into force their directive to reduce emissions from shipping under MARPOL Annex VI.

By looking at the sulphur levels VPS have tested between 2004-2020, we saw an incredible 67% reduction in sulphur emissions.

We will continue to work closely with our customers to reduce sulphur emissions, and cut the levels of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions.

And because we never stop pushing to achieve more, we’re helping in other ways too.

Reducing fuel system failures by 50%

Our Fuel System Check (FSC) process has helped operators all over the world save time, resource and money by identifying areas of critical concern.

CASE STUDY: A non-functioning separator aboard one vessel led to the complete failure of two new pumps. The subsequent repair costs ran to USD 75-100 thousand in addition to the inability to maintain the required speed for its itinerary.

THE RESULT: FSC conducted by our experts at VPS saved this one business hundreds of thousands of USD in maintenance, repair costs and operational reliability. After partnering with VPS, their fuel system failure rate was reduced by 50% (this is lower than the cruise line industry benchmark).

We also instigated the 100% monitoring of all their vessels along with actionable insights for continuous improvement.

The VPS Innovation in Sustainability Awards

Only by continually innovating and improving can we overcome the environmental challenges we know – and the ones we’ve yet to face.

At VPS, we believe it is our responsibility to encourage, inspire and support the next generation of game-changers wherever they are in the world. So to celebrate our 40th anniversary and highlight our dedication to innovation in sustainability, we are looking ahead to the next 40 years with the most ambitious programme we have ever undertaken.

We are excited and honoured to be leading this initiative and to help inspire effective, sustainable change. We’ll keep you updated later in the year  as this initiative is launched.

As always, do get in touch if you would like  to know more about VPS and our services marketing@vpsveritas.com