Maritime shipping industry facing significant challenges

Stricter compliance for emissions regulations

  • Increased use of compliant fuels.
  • Enhanced scrutiny of emissions data.
  • Pressure to adopt energy-efficient practices in voyage planning and execution.
  • Penalties for higher emissions or non-compliance are severe.

Economic uncertainty drives global trade fluctuations and market volatility.

  • Unpredictable trade patterns emerging globally.
  • Freight demand swings between extremes.
  • Market volatility increases across sectors leading to a wide range in spot market rates.
  • Increased focus on agile logistics solutions.

Data analytics can help mitigate risks and optimize performance, but many companies struggle with inadequate tools to analyze fleet data effectively. Voyage Optimization addresses this by integrating vessel, voyage, weather, and market data to provide optimized route guidance.


Service Offerings

Vessel Reporting & Monitoring
BOSS uses MIRROR for accelerated and validated vessel noon reporting. A HTML based form which works offline avoiding the need to install any software on the vessel.


Fleet Monitoring, Visualization & Maritime Tools
Gain complete visibility of your fleet with the latest vessel positions from aggregated terrestrial, dynamic and SAT-AIS data with custom Geo-fencing alerts.


Vessel Performance Analysis
Our data-analytics toolkit analyzes the relationships between engine load, fuel consumption, RPM and Speed to understand the current and historic vessel performance trend.


Voyage Optimization
We have a proven track record of an average 3-5% fuel savings against a transparent voyage benchmarking system.


LNG / BOG Optimization
Predicting BOG in LNG is complex, demanding industry expertise and high-precision analytics. BOSS experts use AI/ML-driven algorithms to deliver accurate BOG predictions for LNG voyages.


Emissions Analysis & Compliance
With seamless API integration, emission reporting becomes effortless, ensuring compliance with ease and precision.


Traditional Weather Routing - Reactive approach 
The recommended route is not optimized for key factors such as fuel efficiency, speed, and market conditions. It overlooks the potential advantages of leveraging dynamic speed, missing an opportunity for a more efficient and cost-effective journey.


VPS-BOSS Route Optimization - Proactive approach
The route takes advantage of favorable sea currents and adjusts speed along the entire journey, considering weather, voyage costs and commercial factors like voyage priority and laycan window. This strategy enables the vessel to save 3-5% on fuel costs, reduce CO2 emissions, and improve the CII rating.

Who We Serve

Our solutions are designed to cater to a diverse range of professionals in the maritime industry, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency across every voyage such as: Fleet Owners, Charterers, Voyage Managers, Technical and Commercial Operators.