Good Health & Well-Being

Our FQT contributes towards air quality improvements by reducing ship air pollution. Our S testing in bunker fuel enables SOx emissions to be monitored and we verify legislative compliance (MARPOL Annex VI) to the IMO global S Cap of 0.5% and the IMO Emission Control Areas S Cap of 0.10%. We help the IMO in monitoring S emissions by testing fuel for on their behalf. Additionally, we use FQT to examine bunker fuel combustion, advising ship operators on optimising engine power by adjusting fuel injection and air-fuel ratio, ensuring complete combustion without leaving residues such as soot (carbon, black smoke) hence reducing the emissions.

We help ship operators ensure safety of life at sea and maintain efficient operations. Our FQT and OCM services protect against engine breakdowns. FQT also ensures fuel flashpoints are >60°C for safe bunkering. Additionally, we assess the condition of critical onboard equipment, including main propulsion, power generation, emergency generators, fire pumps, and lifeboats. Next to this, we provide advice based on our TOT for dissolved gas analysis to mitigate the risk of explosion and fire of transformers.  

Affordable & Clean Energy

We are supporting the research and development of green fuels (e.g. biofuels) through our FQT and advisory services. We are also involved in sea trials to assess the adoption of these new fuels, applying our experience & knowledge to overcome technical difficulties that are often encountered when burning new fuels.

We help to ensure consistent electricity supply through the network by prevent transformer failures by proving advice based on our TOT results. We also contribute towards clean energy, supporting solar, wind and biomass energy production by providing services in the operation of the equipment and grid connectivity to prevent failures and downtime.

Climate action & Life Below Water

We use FQT results to advise the Chief Engineer on efficient engine operation, minimising GHG emissions during fuel change-over and slow steaming. Combining FQT and OCM results allows us to accurately monitor engine condition and guide operators to optimise performance, further reducing GHG emissions per nautical mile. Technical details on how these services reduce GHG emissions are provided below:

Our OCM service provides early warnings of engine problems by tracking lubricant quality, supporting smooth and efficient operation, and optimising GHG emissions. We perform Scrape Down Analysis (SDA) of Cylinder Lubricating Oil (CLO), consumed during engine combustion. Higher CLO consumption leads to higher emissions. Our SDA provides operators valuable insights to optimise CLO use and reduce GHG emissions. We combine FQT and OCM results to forecast and prevent fouling from incomplete combustion, prevent these from increasing emissions and preventing engine breakdowns. We conduct Fuel Systems Checks to ensure efficient purifier operation, optimising fuel quality entering the engine, minimising emissions, and extending machinery lifespan.