
Sustainability is at the heart of our business and our culture.  It’s what drives us forward. It’s how we deliver on our purpose to protect our customers, their assets, their people and the world around us. And our objectives are closely aligned with the UN SDGs.

By helping our customers optimise their use of resources, minimise their emissions and operate more sustainably, VPS is making a genuine, effective and far-reaching difference.     

And when it comes to the way we work ourselves, our deep-rooted sense of corporate social responsibility means we proactively manage our own environmental footprint.

Read on to see how sustainability is key to everything we do. 

Sustainable Development

How can any global organisation grow in a truly responsible way? This is the challenge facing every conscientious business. And at VPS, we are rising to this challenge through continual innovation.

We are delivering four key UN SDGs by working to improve the quality of the air we breathe, helping create reliable and sustainable energy, lessening the effect of climate change, and improving the way we treat our oceans.

For forty years we have made a positive difference to how we grow sustainably – and we’re committed to delivering even greater change in the future.  

Our Customers

Since 1981, our considered, innovative approach has helped our customers operate more sustainably and make significant improvements to their processes. 

Through our expert testing and advisory services, we actively assist our customers to comply with safety and environmental legislation.

We advise how to operate engines and machinery efficiently to drive down GHG emissions. And we continually test new fuels for our customers as part of their research and development process for greener fuels. 

Our Operations

At VPS, we know the way we work ourselves is just as important as the way we work for our customers.

We’re focused on reducing the environmental impact of our global operations as controlled under our Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2015) and we are tracked regularly (i.e. monitoring of environmental objective status updates). 

And because there is always more to achieve, we continuously review the latest opportunities to reduce our environmental footprint even more.

Social Responsibility​

Conducting ourselves in a socially responsible manner is, of course, the right thing to do. And it’s simply good business practice.

Because the more inclusive we are as people and as a company, the stronger our business will be.    

This is why we adopt policies that promote the well-being of society and reflect our core values. We build trust through working with integrity. And we continually invest in our online security to ensure the safety of all our employees, partners and customers.​

More than 40 years of sustainable thinking

More than forty incredible years of game-changing innovation in marine and fuel testing. Decades of continually reducing emissions, of protecting our customers assets, of helping to create a cleaner environment for us all. And our work doesn’t stop here.

There’s so much more we are aiming to achieve over the next 40 years – and we’re starting today.

VPS Innovation in Sustainability Award

As global leaders in fuel and oil testing for the marine, power and renewable sectors, VPS is dedicated to making a positive contribution to global sustainability.

And to celebrate our 40th Anniversary in this field, we are launching our biggest and most impactful initiative yet. We are looking for the young innovators of today who will be making a change to our world tomorrow by delivering practical responses to environmental challenges.