Innovation | Bespoke Tests

For us to remain ahead of the continuing evolution of fuel and oil types, plus ever-improving environmental legislation, we constantly look to develop new analytical tests in order to help keep our customers on the right side of change.

Our innovative approach and anticipation of future requirements, helps us drive testing forward.     

To this end, our bespoke test method developments, such as Wax Appearance Temperature Testing, GCMS, Lube Oil Particle Count and Oil Compatibility testing, are now established, value-added tests, which our customers rely upon, to help protect and improve their business and environmental requirements  

Innovation | Bespoke Technology

For us to remain ahead of the continuing evolution of fuel and oil types, plus ever-improving environmental legislation, we constantly look to develop new technologies in order to help keep our customers on the right side of change. 

Our innovative approach and anticipation of future requirements, helps us drive, IT systems, automation and robotics forward.   

To this end, our bespoke developments, such as robotic sample handling, lab-automation, Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) and “big data” services, are seen as value-added technologies, which improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our own, plus our customers, business and environmental requirements.